Career Coach

9 Tips for Creating a Resume to Get Your Next Job

First impressions matter. A powerful resume helps recruiters and hiring managers see your best self. Essential resume tips are crucial for ensuring you present yourself in the best possible light.

Although there’s no shortcut to crafting a standout resume, following these steps will ensure yours shines above the rest, easing any stress during the process: Whether you’re aiming for your first full-time job, seeking a promotion, or planning a career change, these 9 resume tips for students will help you showcase your strengths to employers.

And, writing a resume or a CV is a bit different. There is a difference between Resume and a CV.

Step into the recruiter’s shoes.

How to write a resume

Just picture it. You are sitting there with tens of applications piled in front of you. Before you even begin writing, try to put yourself in the position of the person reading your resume. Keep this perspective in mind as you apply the rest of these professional resume tips.

Make a resume and keep it short and sweet

While less is not always better, it can be overwhelming to overdo it. A one-page, clearly sectioned resume allows reviewers to easily read through and assimilate all your information; it is also considerate of the reviewer’s time. This also demonstrates your organizational skills and clarity in communication—critical traits for any potential hire! This is one of the best resume tips for making your resume effective.

Make it clear.

Resume writing skills

Be straightforward: give employers exactly what they’re looking for—a concise, reviewer-friendly resume. Carefully choose the positions and skills you list. If you have years of experience across various roles and fields, omit the jobs and skills least relevant to the position at hand. Tips for a good resume often stress the importance of clarity and relevance.

Use Words That Excite.

Use confident action words—“coordinated,” “represented,” “led,” “achieved”—to convey strength. Strong, concise language gives hiring managers valuable insights using half the space of elaborate descriptions and lends your resume an air of effectiveness and purpose. Paying attention to this resume writing tip will help your application get noticed.

“Led the R&D team’s representation at global conferences.”

“As a junior member of the R&D team at Mickens and Mishima, I attended international conferences and interacted with potential clients.”

The “don’t” example is weak and passive, while the “do” version is active and to the point, following the best resume writing tips.

Show accomplishments before skills

Begin each work history section with targeted highlights. Focus on specific, quantifiable achievements. It shows them what you have done in the past as a very strong indication of what you’ll be able to do in the future. Follow this with a brief summary of your Essential Resume Skills.

Include soft skills

Soft skills are what can take you from being just potentially very valuable to literally invaluable as an employee: creativity, time management, adaptability, and ability to work in a team. Prove to reviewers that you have led a seminar or effectively collaborated on some major group project, which would suggest you will add value not only to the company’s work but also to the culture itself within the workplace. Incorporate these essential resume ideas to strengthen your resume.

Input keywords

Unique phrases in job postings are often used as triggers for automated filters that scan resumes before they reach a human reviewer. Including these keywords and phrases in your resume, particularly in your work history, helps get your resume past the filter and demonstrates attention to detail—a vital soft skill. This is a crucial ATS resume tip to ensure your resume gets noticed.


A minor typo could cause employers to hesitate when deciding whether to call you for an interview. Don’t let a small mistake prevent you from getting the interview you deserve. Proofread your resume thoroughly before submitting it, and consider using resume examples & essential tips as a guide.

Obtain a referral

Even if you don’t know anyone directly at the company, you can use LinkedIn to find connections through friends or colleagues who might be able to refer you. Send them a friendly message explaining why you’re interested in the job, and politely ask if they’d consider putting in a referral. Some companies even offer bonuses for referrals, so it could benefit both you and the person helping you out. In the worst-case scenario, you’ve grown your professional network! With a referral, your polished resume is much more likely to reach a hiring manager. Professional resume tips emphasize that networking is just as important as the resume itself.

Resume tips and tricks that will boost your Resume Skills

  1. Customize your resume for each job.
  1. Include a strong summary or objective
  1. Save it as a PDF or Word document
  1. Name your file clearly

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